Saturday, March 12, 2005

My New Keyboard

Wow. That about sums it up. The keys bounce back up.

It's funny how how when you're used to using shoddy, ineffective equipment another piece of shoddy, ineffective equipment doesn't isn't even noticeable. I should definitely be able to get an A with this keyboard. I'll certainly be able to write my papers a lot faster. It's bizarre. I never would have guessed that it could make a difference.

The wrist wrest is cool too. No finger cramps.

Of course now I'm noticing what a crummy chair I have (which I got off the side of the road at end of semester one year. Garbage picking is great when the students leave to go home to mom and dad). or maybe it's my desk. Someone send me an ergonomic specialist please. I know my set up is less than ideal. I really should figure something out to improve it. Microsoft's keyboard came with some info on 'Healthy Computing' and they emphasize the importance of setting up comfortably. After working on the project due on Monday until 2 a.m. last night my back was killing me. I heard Rob's back is aching down in California from carrying around his laptop at GDC..... I'm not sure how much sympathy I'm really feel in that department. ;)

There is a problem with using the cordless phone in here now though. I doesn't seem to be compatible with the RF keyboard and mouse. Maybe I can fiddle with the channels or something - it would be nice to have a phone in here for when my dad calls for help with his computer.


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