Friday, March 11, 2005


I went out this morning to get a birthday gift for a party X is going to tonight. I remember the good ol' homeschool days when she and I could pick out or even *make* gifts together for birthdays and other occasions. Now she's at school and I'm picking up the obligatory gift because the invitation came two days before the party. Pretty frustrating.

However, since I was out anyway and right across the street from Future shop I thought I'd stop in and see what they had. Ever since Rob pointed out what a crummy keyboard I have (thanks Rob) I've been noticing the cramps in my fingers and how other people's keys bounce back up after they're struck. Hmmm. Funny I never noticed that before.

I've been researching online and seeing what's out there and how much and decided that with all the papers I have left to write for school and since X is now learning to type, I can justify upgrading.

I had hoped to avoid a ms product but it turns out Future Shop had the ms wireless desktop on sale 1/3 off. It's got the curved keyboard and includes a wireless optical mouse. No, I haven't set it up yet - I will do that momentarily. I'm hoping to learn to use the fancy features it has - apparently (according to the salespitch on the box) they'll save me lots of time and will take only moments to configure. I'm not sure about all this wireless stuff - I really should learn more about the whole rf and health link... yeah right. As soon as I have time.


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