Rather than working on my photography business (which is just too mighty intimidating) I've taken to designing business cards. I did a couple for myself for the photography thing, I made one for a friend's pc repair business and now I've done one for my dear ol' dad. He's so cute: he got his first computer just before xmas and left it all in the boxes for a month while he built a desk (oak, fancy trim, locking secret compartment). He wanted a card so that he can give people his email address without having to write it down. I guess at 61 he knows how hard it is to remember things. I hope he likes it.
If I don't find another little project to do I'm going to have to write my philosophy paper. At least marking all those horrible papers is good validation: I can write in sentences! I finished the first year papers last night. Two students got 3/15 and the top mark was 13.75/15. Her paper was such a treat: full sentences, decent style, three strong arguments supporting a real thesis, explained and supported by the readings. Aaaaaah. Such a treat.
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