Friday, August 05, 2005

Ahhh! So Lovely!!!

Tuesday night was date night.

We went out for dinner.

It was so lovely.

We had drinks.

We had tofu.

Mmmmm. Drinks and tofu.

I had such a good time.

Ahhh. So nice.

What a great time.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I find myself increasingly unable to sit still. I *must* get more exercise. Lately, when I'm writing or marking papers I write a line or two and then must get up from my chair and pace the floor, around the table, peek out the window, putz and then I can sit again for another five minutes. It's taking me a lot longer than it should to write a paper I think. I've tried disciplining myself and forcing myself to sit in the chair for half an hour and then giving myself a 10 minute or so break - but it doesn't really seem to work. I cannot write until I'm ready - sitting in the chair doesn't make a difference.

I need a vacation.

My skin is peeling off with stress (aka eczema). It hasn't been bad like this is years and years. I forgot how painful it is. Luckily I'm heading to Toronto, and to Thompson's Homeopathic Pharmacy (I'd link to them but they don't seem to have a website) - the only place that makes my beloved calendula cream - the only thing that soothes my burning skin -ahh so comforting just to see the cardboard box. Though I'll keep hoping that maybe when these classes are done next week I'll experience a miraculous cure and my skin will be all better.

I need a vacation - did I mention that?

guess I'd better get back to the paper of the night . . .